Uncertain numbers in English
The word odd may be used with round numbers over twenty to give an approximate figure.
If we want to show approximate figures we can use the suffix -ish and or so or or thereabouts.
It's a hundred odd pounds. | It's about a hundred pounds |
She's sixty odd. | She's about sixty years old. |
He lost a thousand-odd dollars. | He lost about a thousand dollars. |
There were sixty-odd people | There were about sixty people. |
twenty-odd years later | about twenty years late |
He's sixtish. | He's about sixty years old. |
I'll meet you at nineish. | I'll meet you at about nine o'clock. |
It cost a hundred pounds or so. | It cost about a hundred pounds. |
He's arriving on the seventh or thereabouts. | He's arriving on about the seventh. |
a year or so ago. | about a year ago |
20 or so | about 20 |
100 dollars or thereabouts | about 100 dolarów |