Strona bierna angielski ćwiczenia

Ćwiczenie Utwórz zdania w stronie biernej w języku angielskim używając konkretnego czasu którego nazwa jest podana na końcu zdania. Potrzebujesz pomocy? Strona bierna
1. My car / damage / last night. past
My car last night.
2. This computer / make / in the USA. present
This computer in the USA.
3. The machines / make / in Scotland. present
The machine in Scotland.
4. The President / kill / last night. past
The President last night.
5. The money / change into dollars / at the bank. present
The money into dollars at the bank.
6. The parcel / post / yesterday. past
The parcel yesterday.
7. Cheese / make / from milk. present
Cheese from milk.
8. The children / give / some food. past
The children some food.
9. The house / paint / every year. present
The house every year.
10. Several people / be hurt / in an accident last night. past
Several people in an accident last night.
11. This girl / expect / at home at ten. present
The girl at home at ten.
12. I /tell / that this was the best way. past
I that this was the best way.
13. The bed / sleep in / by the big dirty dog. past
The bed in by the big dirty dog.
14. My friend / follow / by many beautiful girls. past
My friend by many beautiful girls.