Questions about subject

The table below shows questions about subject in English. As you can see the order of words in this type of questions is exactly the same as in affirmative sentences.

Short answers
Present Simple Tom writes books.
question: Who writes books? Tom does.
Past Simple He drank coffee.
question: Who drank coffee? He did.
Future Simple Susan will arrive tomorrow.
question: Who will arrive tomorrow? Susan will.
Present Continuous Chris is reading a book.
question: Who is reading a book? Chris is.
Past Continuous Mark was listening to to radio.
question: Who was listening to the radio? Mark was.
Future Continuous Simon will do the shopping.
question: Who will do the shopping? Simon will.
Present Perfect Chris has read a book.
question: Who has read a book? Chris has.
Past Perfect Mark had bought a car.
question: Who had bought a car? Mark had.
Future Perfect Simon will have done the shopping.
question: Who will have done the shopping? Simon will.
Present Perfect
Chris has been reading a book.
question: Who has been reading a book? Chris has.
Past Perfect
Mark had been waiting for a bus.
question: Who had been waiting for a bus? Mark had.
Future Perfect
Simon will have been watching TV.
question: Who will have been watching TV? Simon will.