Pytania o podmiot w angielskim

Tabelka poniżej przedstawia pytania o podmiot w języku angielskim. Jak widać na podanych przykładach kolejność wyrazów w tego typu pytaniach jest dokładnie taka sama jak w zdaniach twierdzących.

Krótkie odpowiedzi
Present Simple Tom writes books.
pytanie: Who writes books? Tom does.
Past Simple He drank coffee.
pytanie: Who drank coffee? He did.
Future Simple Susan will arrive tomorrow.
pytanie: Who will arrive tomorrow? Susan will.
Present Continuous Chris is reading a book.
pytanie: Who is reading a book? Chris is.
Past Continuous Mark was listening to to radio.
pytanie: Who was listening to the radio? Mark was.
Future Continuous Simon will do the shopping.
pytanie: Who will do the shopping? Simon will.
Present Perfect Chris has read a book.
pytanie: Who has read a book? Chris has.
Past Perfect Mark had bought a car.
pytanie: Who had bought a car? Mark had.
Future Perfect Simon will have done the shopping.
pytanie: Who will have done the shopping? Simon will.
Present Perfect
Chris has been reading a book.
pytanie: Who has been reading a book? Chris has.
Past Perfect
Mark had been waiting for a bus.
pytanie: Who had been waiting for a bus? Mark had.
Future Perfect
Simon will have been watching TV.
pytanie: Who will have been watching TV? Simon will.