Zdania twierdzące i przeczące w czasie Present Simple ćwiczenie

Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w czasie Present Simple w odpowiedniej formie twierdzącej lub przeczącej. NIE używaj w tych zdaniach skróconych form!
1 Margaret three languages — English, French and Spanish. speak
2 I my job. It's very boring. like
3 'Where's Martin?' I’m sorry. I . know
4 Sue is a very quiet person. She very much. talk
5 Jim a lot of tea. It's his favourite drink. drink
6 It's not true! I it! believe
7 That's a very beautiful picture. I it very much. like
8 Janek is a vegetarian. He meat. eat
9 She is frightened of flying. She planes. hate
10 Petrol is expensive. It a lot of money. cost